The painter Emile Bernard left his homeland France and went to Egypt in 1891. What prompts a person to take such a journey? What subsequent effect does it have on him? And what if the journey was not voluntary? 70 children and youths from Bremen and Ramallah viewed contemporaries of the painter at the Kunsthalle Bremen and where inspired to their own associations. Their ideas on movement having to do with the theme of ‘being under way’ form the heart of the full-length dance theatre piece VOYAGE: not rosy, but not gloomy either. For life always has two sides, and the way one acts and appears plays an important role.
With his company DE LooPERS, Wilfried van Poppel has been creating works for a young audience for ten years. In dance2gether, he prompts the children of a community to dance. In conjunction with the almost simultaneous exhibition opening at the Kunsthalle Bremen, he has now created an evening for a large auditorium – with a live orchestra and Darius Milhaud’s ‘La Création du Monde’.
Choreography, artistic direction: Wilfried van Poppel and Amaya Lubeigt
Choreografic participation: Gregor Dreykluft
Conductor: Rodrigo Blumenstock
Dance: Children, teenagers and adults aged 8-80 years
Lightdesign: Uwe Renken
Costumes: Christine Bockelmann
Production: DE LooPERS / dance2gether e.V.
Cooperation: Kunsthalle Bremen, Trägerverein Kultureinrichtungen Bremen Nord e.V.