Adrienn Hód - Hodworks/
Unusual Symptoms
THU, 5. May 2022
8.00 PM
Theater Bremen, Kleines Haus, Goethepl. 1-3, 28203 Bremen
Duaration: 90 Minutes
Physical Prologues 60 minutes and introduction 30 minutes before the start of the performance
Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another.
Madonna Ciccone
HARMONIA celebrates euphony, balance, agreement. For this, Hungarian choreographer Adrienn Hód was able to work with an even larger company that dances as a body of eleven different people. “The piece of the moment” is what dance journalist Elisabeth Nehring called it, referring to the long-pent-up need of many for physical exuberance. It was the guest performance of Hód’s own ensemble HODWORKS at TANZ Bremen 2017 that motivated Unusual Symptoms to commission her to create a choreography. The result, COEXIST, was invited to Tanzplattform Deutschland. HARMONIA is also about coexistence: here, performers with and without disabilities dance and challenge conventional hierarchies of ability.
Choreografie: Adrienn Hód
Mit: Yanel Barbeito, Aaron Samuel Davis, Florent Devlesaver, Gabrio Gabrielli, Carolin Hartmann, Alexandra Llorens, Paulina Porwollik, Leisa Prowd, Tamara Rettenmund, Nora Ronge, Andor Rusu, Young-Won Song
Choreografische Mitarbeit: Andy Zondag, Emily Masch
Künstlerische Mitarbeit: Csaba Molnár
Musik: Ábris Gryllus
Bühne/ Kostüme: Anna Lena Grote
Licht: Christian Kemmetmüller
Dramaturgie: Gregor Runge
Dramaturgische Mitarbeit: Ármin Szabó-Székely
Künstlerische Produktionsleitung: Alexandra Morales
A co-production with Trafó House of Contemporary Arts and OFF Foundation. Supported by NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ Koproduktionsförderung Tanz – supported by Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien – and Goethe-Institute Hungary.